Our Mission

The mission of BAKG was established by the guild’s founders. BAKG is dedicated to: Preserving and supporting the art of knitting Fostering awareness and appreciation of, as well as respect for knitting and its place among other fiber arts Educating all those who want to learn and/or perfect their...

Our History

The Big Apple Knitters Guild (BAKG) was founded in 1991 by a small group of intrepid knitters, who met initially at members’ homes, the Brooklyn Public Library at Grand Army Plaza, and the Jefferson Market Library in Manhattan. Many of the guild’s ongoing events and traditions were initiated in...

Board Members

Helene Young, President president@bakg.org Rosa Gentile, Vice President vp@bakg.org Gopa Shah, Treasurer treasurer@bakg.org Barbara Becker, Recording Secretary recordingsec@bakg.org Linda Broudy, Membership Secretary membership@bakg.org Halyna Levytska, Charity Chair charity@bakg.org Nikki Kowalski, Education Chair education@bakg.org Susan S. Simon, Librarian librarian@bakg.org Norine Grodin, Member...