Join/Renew Your Membership

Annual BAKG membership dues are $60 ($30 for students under the age of 25, with valid student ID*). The membership year begins on January 1. Dues paid between September and December of any year cover membership through the end of the following year. BAKG does not refund dues if a member decides not to participate in Guild activities.

1.       Fill out this form. (Required for all new members and for renewing members whose information on file is no longer current.)

2.       Submit payment through PayPal. (A PayPal account is NOT required. You may pay as a guest.)

Membership Dues Options

Or mail check or money order, payable to Big Apple Knitters Guild, to the address on the form. Please do not send cash. 
Or bring a completed form along with your check or money order to any in-person general meeting, and speak to the Membership Secretary.
*Students: Submit a copy of your valid student ID to The Membership Secretary must approve your status before dues are paid at the student rate.