BAKG Membership Form

Join or Renew

Membership Expiration Date:

BAKG membership dues are $60 paid annually ($30 for students under 25, with valid student ID). Dues are not refundable.

Please check the appropriate box below. (Renewing members insert your name and all changes.)

Select one: (required)

Method of Payment (Select one):(required)

If paying by US mail, send check or money order made payable to Big Apple Knitters Guild, to the following address: Kathleen Dalton, Big Apple Knitters Guild, Inc., 41 West 96th Street, #3-A, New York, NY 10025

I am joining or renewing for (Select one):

(Select one):

Your Knitting Level (Select one):

Volunteering: We always need volunteers to assist the Board of Directors with the following committees and/or functions. Please let us know if you can help with:

How did you hear about us?

    BAKG does not make its mailing list available to vendors or nonmembers.
    BAKG general meetings and events are photographed. By your presence at these events, you consent to the photography and use of your image in print and social media.
  • Click the “Submit” button below. Otherwise bring to a general meeting or mail a printout of this form (completed) along with your check or money order for $60 for one year or $30 for student rate, made payable to Big Apple Knitters Guild, to the following address:
  • Kathleen Dalton, Big Apple Knitters Guild, Inc., 41 West 96th Street, #3-A New York, NY 10025


Membership Dues Options