September 14, 1-4 PM
(check-in begins at 12:30 PM)
Guests Welcome
New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 West 64th Street (at Central Park West) New York, NY
Kate Atherley, Author, Teacher, Editor
KATE ATHERLEY is an internationally known knitting author, teacher, and perhaps the most sought-after pattern editor around. A university degree in mathematics, professional experience in software development and usability, and training in garment and fashion design give her a unique perspective on helping knitters adapt patterns to get the perfect buttonhole, collar, or overall fit.
For more than 15 years, Kate has been the Managing Technical Editor for Knitty.com, where she also runs a technical advice column in addition to being a regular designer and contributor. Custom-Fit Hats (2020)—Kate’s ninth book—is the fourth in a series on customizing projects for perfect fit and style; it joins her works on shawls, socks, and mittens. She is also the co-founder and publisher of Digits & Threads, an independent, member-supported online magazine about Canadian fiber and textile arts, crafts, and industry. She lives in Toronto with her husband and their rescue dog Winnie.
Do you need help deciding which cast-on and bind-off techniques to use for a hat versus a lace shawl Have you wondered what “loosely” or “stretchy” mean in pattern instructions for cast-ons or bind-offs? Kate will demystify these concepts and help us achieve the edge we need. Kate’s demonstrations are incredibly user-friendly, so bring some spare yarn and appropriate needles and follow along.
Show and Tell
BAKG members have been dazzling us with their beautiful work. Let’s keep the magic going at the October Show and Tell. We all want to see what you have been knitting! As always, only one Show and Tell item per meeting, please.
Bring a Guest!
Guests are welcome! A guest’s first visit is free. Subsequent visits are $10, which may be applied to annual dues if paid on the meeting day.
Yarn Auction Knitting Drop-off
Donating yarn to the BAKG Annual Yarn Auction and Sale? Donations of bagged and tagged yarn may be dropped off in the kitchen at NYSEC during the October general meeting. Use this BAKG form.
Beginners Table
Need help with a pattern? Learning a new technique? Our instructor this month is Susan Leibowitz. Pop over and ask for help.
Charity Knitting Table
Join other members at the Charity Knitting Table after the meeting. Sit and knit or drop off your already knitted items.
This meeting will be livestreamed for those members unable to attend in person. Limited to 20 people.
NOTE: BAKG general meetings, workshops, or other BAKG-sponsored events, whether in person or virtual, may be photographed and/or recorded by audio and/or video. By your in-person or virtual participation at these meetings, you consent to the photography and/or recording and to the use of your image and/or recording in print and social media.